Monday, October 13, 2008

The Coyote Quests for Knowledge (aka I'm Not Really a Coyote)(aka the Incredible Delayed Post!)

Since the dawn of mankind, we as a species have wondered about many things. But dominating these wonderings is the most simple, yet complex, of all questions we have ever asked of ourselves:

"Why are we here?"

And to this, I answer: "Someone is screwing with us".

Not to completely bash religion (myself not being a particularly religious person. If anything, I'd classify myself as a Buddhist), but whoever this God guy is, he's got a wicked messed up imagination. And, actually, that's cool with me.

God's got a sense of humor. And he wants us to realize this. All too often, people are focused on the bad things in life. Really, what they should focus on, is life's inherit absurdity. Our lives are pure irony, wrapped in metaphor, and dipped in rich milk chocolate. Enjoy it.

This is the Coyote saying: "Life's a Candy Bar."

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