Sunday, October 12, 2008

If I Were Actually a Coyote (aka The Hunt for Adventure)

I will now relate to you the story of the day I will experience tomorrow:

I will awaken at 6:47 sharp, not to the buzz of my alarm, but to the fact that I'm being yelled at that I haven't woken up yet. This is a fact I'll be completely aware of, but it'll still be a nice reminder, since I'm usually so forgetful of that fact. I'll get up and prepare for school, probably leaving about 7:00, though I expect to be a few minutes later than that out of pure cynicism.

I'll arrive at school between 7:17 and 7:23, and get a parking space somewhere in the first row, probably about 15 spots in. I'll sit in my car until about 7:40, probably eating my breakfast which will either be: A) Some kind of waffle/pbj combination or B) An english muffin with some kind of pbj combination.

I will arrive at my Econ classroom at 7:47, and promptly tune out for the next hour. I'll then tune back in just in time to hear the bell ring. With any luck, I will have restrained myself enough so that I didn't offend my teacher with anti-captialist remarks. I never really mean them, I just like to say them for argument's sake. Unfortunately, Econ doesn't really leave room for independent thought.

I'll walk too quickly to AP English, and probably arrive second. At this point, I attempt to tune back in, but in doing so probably offend more people than I did when I was tuned out. I'll make some comments that make little to no sense, and attempt to inject a little excitement into the class environment produced by having the school's best and brightest all in the same place. I'll probably offend Debbie the most, seeing as how she's the closest target. Luckily, AP English is much more accepting of a free thinker than the mindless Econ curriculum, and I will probably not be punished for my wrongdoings.

During nutrition, I'll stand around for a while until I am joined by a few of my comrades, and exchange mindless chatter for about 9 minutes, at which point I'll arrive, again, too early for Physics. In physics, I tune back out and try not to draw too much attention to myself. Unfortunately, I made the mistake of answering some easy questions in the first couple of weeks of class, and am now regarded as the "smart kid". Honestly, though, I have very little idea of what's going on in physics. I just understand concepts. So I seem smart. I'll probably use physics to doodle something on my singular folder, or catch up on some reading.

Thus begins Griffin News, a class that almost encourages tuning out. Unfortunately, I want to tune in to Griffin News, but receive no encouragement or help in doing so. As a result, I sit around for an hour, and grit my teeth and agree to whatever is placed before me.

Ah, Lunch. The pinnacle of the school day. At last, I can fill my empty stomach with processed foods that I have carried around all day, rendering them nearly inedible. Still, I need to eat. So I'll eat my chip/ sandwhich/ water/ dessert-type bar combination of some kind, and try to avoid looking at it as I do so. During lunch I may engage in a plethora of activities, including: ranting, raving, shouting at freshmen, shouting at sophmores, shouting at juniors, shouting at seniors, becoming enraged, and, alternatively, talking.

Finally, Drama class rolls around, a class that seems to say "lets all sit around and be disorganized until a day before the show". Usually, it turns out that way. And it works out about 90% of the time. Not to say its the right way to do things, just pointing it out. Sometimes, I take the opportunity to tune out during drama, while other times, I tune WAY in. Tomorrow, I'll be tuned in.

At 1:45 I'll finally manage to leave campus. I'll visit the pharmasist, who somehow knows my name, even though I've been in there twice. I'll then promptly return to school in time for Comedy Sportz practice, which may or may not end completely disorganized. But I'll still have a good time.

Finally, I'll return home at about 6:00, sit around for about 5 hours, and go to sleep.

You see, I can tell you all of this, because I'm sure it will happen. Barring some cosmic force stopping it from being so, my day will be completely predictable tomorrow. Which brings me to the point of this blog: I'm bored. I want action. I want a challenge, not just for my mind, but for my whole being. I want to actually test my knowledge about life, and gain new knowledge from whatever or whomever I happen to meet along the way.

Basically, I'm thinking a life on the open road is good enough for me.

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